Journey Through Motherhood

Sharing my own experiences and reflections as I navigate the highs and lows of being a mum – personal growth, challenges, and moments of joy.

Cover Image for Coping with mum guilt in early newborn days

Coping with mum guilt in early newborn days

When we got home from the hospital after the birth, we did not know we were in for surprises! We thought Benji would easily sleep on his bedside crib and …

Cristien Natal
Cover Image for To shop second hand or not to shop second hand, that is the question

To shop second hand or not to shop second hand, that is the question

When I first found out I was pregnant, our household income just took a massive paycut with me leaving my full time job …

Cristien Natal
Cover Image for White noise machine tips and tricks

White noise machine tips and tricks

When you do a quick search on Google about how to help your baby sleep, one of the recommendations is to get a white noise machine.

Cristien Natal
Cover Image for Hello world

Hello world

A little introduction to my little corner in the internet where I can put my thoughts down in writing about all mum things – sharing my experiences and the joys of parenting and also, the lows of this journey.

Cristien Natal